Every week, join us as we share marketing and leaderships tips for growing your business, no matter where you are in your journey.
Would you consider a Leader, High Achiever, or Small Business Owner? What about an expert in your field of work? It’s something I’ve sough to become in my field.
To be the Marketing Consultant and Strategist that Small Business Owners trust, I felt I needed to continue my education and development throughout my career.
Not that I pursued my masters degree, but over the years I’ve invested in multiple trainings for social media marketing, landing page optimization, copywriting and Meta -Facebook Ads Management. I’ve also managed multiple retainer client projects for many years.
And I am a believer in the theory of personal development and that reading 10 pages per day can increase your professional and personal growth.
So today I wanted to share a list of Top Books for Leaders High Achievers and Small Business Owners.
If you have ever followed me on social media, you know I’ve always shared quotes or takeaways from whatever I am reading. And typically I have people reach out and ask what book it is that I’m reading.
Which is what inspired me to write this list. I’ve had many take aways from each of these books and when you combine all the expert advice together, it can really make an large impact on personal and professional growth.
As you read through the list, there are clickable links for each book. Please know each of the links are my affiliate links and as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
The Compound Effect: https://amzn.to/42o2jnc
I first saw Darren Hardy speak at an event back in the Summer of 2013; he was inspiring, motivating and shared his own personal journey on applying the compound effect. Being successful in whatever you do in life, it requires consistent effort over a long period of time; and the way he breaks down the compound effect makes it a true game changer. If you’re struggling to be consistent towards your goals, this should be a go-to book/
Entrepreneur RollerCoaster: https://amzn.to/40m7lOI
No matter how many years you have been in business you will find yourself relating to the Entrepreneur RollerCoaster. Darren Hardy refers back to being a newbie entrepreneur while sharing some of his pitfalls and some of the ups and down along his business journey. Being the creator of Success Magazine, you know his advice is worth listening to, and its even better when you apply to your own business. “Knowledge is not power. That’s a myth. It is the potential for power, but it is not power itself. It’s not what you learn or what you know; it’s what you do with what you know and learn.”
Start with Why: https://amzn.to/4ajGB5U
If you are a Leader within your organization or striving to move up in management, this is a MUST read! Simon Sinek discusses the Golden Circle theory here and how it inspires action within a person or organization. If you have ever wondered what sets some of the greatest brands apart from others, then read this book. He explains why people will tattoo a brand on their bodies while others just never seem to succeed. It’s another book I’ve listened to it and read multiple times. “There are only two ways to influence human behavior: you can manipulate it or you can inspire it.”
The 5 AM Club: https://amzn.to/4jkJuHJ
Have you ever felt like you were struggling to find the motivation to get up early? Or maybe feeling constantly stressed with multiple projects on your place and never feeling like you have enough time in the day? Well read The 5AM Club to get motivated and learn how implementing a few habits can positively impact your focus, and energy while stimulating creativity. “Take excellent care of the front end of your day, and the rest of your day will pretty much take care of itself. Own your morning. Elevate your life.”
She Thinks Like A Boss: https://amzn.to/3WlNhLa
Are you a woman in business striving to lead with confidence in your organization? Jemma is the friend you need that reminds you, you got this, and shares her essential skills to being a female leader in the workplace. Gain the confidence you need to own that meeting, presentation or ask for that promotion! “Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.”
You Are a Badass: https://amzn.to/4hjZQ1o
Jen Sincero is funny and motivating as she shares her story while cheering you on to do your thing. In her four easy to read and enjoyable books, there is humor, inspiring stories, real talk on money, boundaries, self awareness and overcoming your fears. Read or listen along, these could be just watch you need to spark the fire within!
“If you’re serious about changing your life, you’ll find a way. If you’re not, you’ll find an excuse.”
4 Disciplines of Execution: https://amzn.to/4hi2WTB
4 Disciplines of Execution played a strong role in providing me with a deep understanding implementing business and marketing plans. See most colleges and business program teach how to build great plans and strategy but they seem to look over, how to execute successfully. Its a definite must read if you’re wanting to develop a competitive edge. “There will always be more good ideas than you and your teams have the capacity to execute.”
Everything is Figureoutable: https://amzn.to/4jkJuHJ
Where there are many experts out there, that teach their one secret, or this one thing that changes your path…Marie Forleo reminds us to calm down and that Everything Is Figureoutable. Sharing her own experiences along her way to becoming a global thought leader and speaker, Marie will inspire you and remind you, you are unstoppable. “The most powerful words in the universe are the words you say to yourself.”
Put Your Ass Where Your Heart Wants To Be: https://amzn.to/3PCg36f
Steven Pressfield was a guest on Marie’s podcast awhile back and there is where I learned of his book, Put Your Ass Where Your Heart Wants To Be. You might be noticing a theme on my book recommendations but the ones that have had the most impact are those that are relatable, inspiring and motivating. Put Your Ass Where Your Heart Wants To Be, has all three of those while prompting you to ask yourself; am I really everything I can to achieve my goals? “When you move your material ass to the geographic site of your dream, your peers and potential mentors think at once, This person is serious…”
Finding Your Zone: https://amzn.to/3PGCE1L
Have you ever wondered what the most elite athletes do to stay on top of their game? This book guides you through that process and helps you understand the role the brain plays in achieving greatness. Resisting distractions, being absorbed in the task at hand, how to think like a winner, and build your confidence are just a few things you’ll learn in this book. “Remember, the Zone doesn’t happen by magic: It is the training of your mind that enables you to get there. TRUST YOUR BRAIN, KEEP IT SIMPLE, AND STAY POSITIVE. Have a simple and consistent routine and you will find yourself in the winner’s circle.”
Your Next Five Moves: https://amzn.to/40gAPgR
Have you ever played Chess? I haven’t, but the author references how business is like playing chess. Being able to anticipate the next five moves in front of you, is a key differentiator in the top performers in business. Mastering the Art of Business Strategy is something that can set you apart of your competitors within your industry. “Success is a series of strategic decisions.”
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: https://amzn.to/3Wu1nKy
An oldie, but a great great read. Stephen Covey does a great job teaching the 7 Habits, while reminding us, to slow down and look at the subject matter from a different perspective. Just as we may feel strongly about a subject, if we understand it is just our perception, not necessarily how the world is, we can more be effective in our lives. “To change ourselves effectively, we first had to change our perceptions.”
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